Tuesday 20 November 2012


very bad weather = very bad pain + worsening of (tmj discomfort + blocked ear + tinnitus + clicking) =
                                  = no sleep + no rest + no work...


  1. I'm so sorry your dealing with this. I'm portugese too, my parents are from the Azores. I've been following your blog and decided not to do the arthocentisis because of your story, a gut feeling and others I've heard that had a bad outcome. I'm part of a support group TMJ hope on Facebook and it helps me get through the day sometimes. Someone on there told me she is in treatment for displaced disc etc and is using a
    repositional device in her mouth 24/7 that changes the
    position of your jaw in order for it to heal. She then has to get braces to permantely change her bite. I live in the
    Boston area and have an appointment to look into this.
    She has no pain now and went from a 25mm opening to
    48mm. I'm at 29mm now and I'm hoping this might be a
    good option for me. Just a thought, not sure if you
    looked into it before.. Best of luck to you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. So sorry just realized you said your bite was ok and that the splints wouldn't work. I apologize I was just hoping to help in some way :(
