Wednesday 26 June 2013

Surgery - T minus 2 days

I just received a last minute phone call from the hospital - my surgery was booked for Friday! This Friday (28th June)!

I'm checking in at the surgical unit tomorrow (time to be confirmed), as my surgery will be early Friday morning. From what I was told, if I recover well and fast and with my surgeon's permission, I may be discharged Saturday. If not, I guess I'll have to spend the weekend in a hospital bed... Snif...

I must recover from the shock of such short notice and stay focused, because there a lot of things I need to prepare and organise!

Wish me luck! I'm really scared...


  1. I hope everything went well!

  2. Replies
    1. Alastair?
      If so, can you please send me an email to Thank you! :)

  3. Hi Ana, I've been following your blog for a while, because I have similar problems with TMJ. I hope you're recovering well from the surgery, and that the surgery goes some way towards giving you a better quality of life :)
    It's been so helpful to read your blog and see how someone else is dealing with living with TMJ problems! I hope your PhD is going ok too! I recently completed my PhD, a year and a half after I had planned to be done - so there is light at the end of the tunnel :)

  4. i have had tmj problems for nearly 3 years, first 2 i hardly noticed and left it, the past year not only has my right side gotten worse my left side has also started clicking!. i just got my splint but its just making it worse, i used to be able to eat soft foods without my left side clicking or making any noise, now even with soft foods all i here is click click click. i told the dentist twice i really need to see the max.fac. people and he just told me that its best if you just wear the splint for 3 months. I'm just thinking the way this is progressing, i havn't really got 3 months and that my left side will develop some serious problems as the right! since my left side started exactly how my right side started!!! anyways I was wondering how much the surgery and splints etc has cost you. its just that i read nhs don't cover tmj surgery and saw somwhere of a figure of £16k....

  5. I had to go in for surgery because I had tmj in Dartmouth. Luckily the facility there was really nice, but was not very fun. Good luck and hopefully you have a speedy recovery.

  6. Great post! Been reading a lot about TMJ lately. Thanks for sharing your experience throughout your blog!

  7. Hi there! I stumbled on your blog while doing research on my own problems. I just had an MRI done that shows I have degenerative disk disease in my jaw. It's so hard to find information about any of this and your blog has been really helpful to me. Thanks for putting this all out there.

    I notice you haven't updated in a while - how did the surgery go? I'm curious to hear how you're doing!

  8. How did the surgery go? I'm curious because I also suffer from TMJD and was contemplating surgical options.

  9. I'm having the same surgery Friday morning! A year in the making, I'm nervous too. We will be fine. Goodluck!
