Wednesday 23 January 2013

Inflammation & cholesterol

We spent Christmas holidays with our families, and we had the most wonderful time!

I took the opportunity to visit our family doctor (GP) who requested a few exams, just as regular check-up. These included blood tests which came back normal, apart from the cholesterol results...

Total cholesterol should not go over 190 mg/dl. Mine is an astonishing 267 mg/dl!
It is even higher than both my mother's and grandmother's cholesterol, who take regular medication to reduce and control it. This was quite of a shock, especially considering my diet. I don't eat much, and my diet consists mostly of vegetables, fruit, rice, pasta and cereals, with very little fat (only olive oil, which is considered healthy). We have meat or fish once or twice a week, and they are either grilled or stewed. I seldom eat bread or cake, and I don't appreciate pastry creams/ganaches (the simpler the cake, the better). Sporadically we treat ourselves with a dessert, such as ice-cream, tiramisu or cheesecake. I rarely snack, I do not eat fried foods, and I don't even like cheese. I do love chocolate, but I don't have it everyday. And until very recently I was eating only soups and milkshakes!
Clearly my stupidly high cholesterol does not reflect my diet.

I haven't had the opportunity to show the blood test results to my family doctor (in Portugal) or my GP (in Cardiff). But I asked B. (my wise chiropractor) his opinion on my cholesterol values. He was not surprised.
Our liver produces excess cholesterol in response to inflammatory processes. It is a natural defence mechanism of our bodies to fight inflammation and promote healing. My body has been fighting the inflammation surrounding my TMJ for years now - no wonder my cholesterol is high!
B. recommended not to take any medication to reduce my cholesterol, as it may decrease my defences against the inflammation and consequently worsen my symptoms.
In any case, I will show the blood test results to my GP and ask for her advice.

You can read more about the link between inflammation and high cholesterol here.

1 comment:

  1. thank you I found this article coz last month I was diagnosed with High cholesterol level, and after a month I am experiencing a TMJ, I think I need to go to my GP for review of my case.
